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Text File | 1995-04-26 | 4.3 KB | 82 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- This folder contains all you need to run a slide show.
- Just double click on the file 'KPT QuickshowLT' to run.
- When running press '?' for keyboard commands.
- The 'Space bar' will pause at any image-press again to continue.
- Details of each file follows:
- SLIDE ONE (A-10 'Tank Buster') is an Illustrator document created using
- simple paths and no blends to help minimise time and problems during
- output. All tone differences were cut by hand. (approx 4 hours)
- SLIDE TWO (Baby Graphic) a newspaper graphic on water births created under
- deadline in less than 1 hour for that evenings paper. Created in Adobe Illustrator.
- SLIDE THREE (Barr chart) a single bottle was created then altered, without
- distortion, to create a bar chart, again Illustrator. (approx time 2.5 hours)
- SLIDE FOUR (Chic bar chart) looks more complex than it is, a single block of chocolate
- was drawn then duplicated into a bar. This was then sheered to create perspective
- and then depth added. Illustrator file (approx 3 hours)
- SLIDE FIVE (DC-10 Jet) Airplane was created using manual blends and line art. Sky line
- was simple shapes with automatic blend fills (approx 4.5 hours)
- SLIDE SIX (Gas Mask) Simple Illustrator '88 file single layers and mono tones to
- create depth then type added (remember in Illustrator '88 you were limited to
- 250 characters per type box!!!) (approx 6.5 hours)
- SLIDE SEVEN (Gulf War Hardware) Everyone did a Scud launcher during the Gulf war.
- Both it and the Warrior were produced on deadline using Illustrator and simple tone
- paths on layers (Scud approx 2.5 hours - Warrior 1.5 hours)
- SLIDE EIGHT (How Cable TV works) Most objects have symmetry so half can be drawn then
- flipped. This is the case with many of the objects here. Newspaper graphic in Illustrator
- (approx time 3 hours)
- SLIDE NINE (Ibrox Stadium) Illustrated from a photograph this is the version before a
- new stand was added. If you would be interested in the complete Illustration, including
- the new stand, please contact, see end for details (approx 8 hours)
- SLIDE TEN (Italian Stadium) Remember our old friend symmetry? Here it is again with the
- non symmetrical parts adding depth. Illustrator '88 (approx 2 hours)
- SLIDE ELEVEN (Killer Bug Graphic) The bug was created from scratch in Photoshop and then
- added to the Illustrator graphic. Again to newspaper deadline (approx 3 hours)
- SLIDE TWELVE (Kingston Bridge road map) Try getting all those lines running parallel
- and in perspective! Once the roads were done the rest was easy - well sort of (approx 8 hours)
- SLIDE THIRTEEN (Photo retouching) This family picture (my grandfather's the sailor)
- was scanned from an old postcard which was broken, torn, faded and badly frayed at the edges.
- I completed all work in Photoshop then did a mimic of a hand coloured version, both
- were output to a dye-sublimation printer to give a photographic finish. My father was almost in
- tears, as he had NEVER seen this picture without the damage, which was on the postcard
- left to him by his father! (approx 10 hours work)
- SLIDE FOURTEEN (Run graphic) simple deadline graphic on running times. Hand drawn then using
- Streamliner and Illustrator to convert to paths and add tints (approx 1.5 hours)
- SLIDE FIFTEEN (Strangeways prison) Taken from overhead picture and drawn in Illustrator
- using the reflect and rotate tools (approx 4 hours)
- SLIDE SIXTEEN (Treasure map Jigsaw) Hand drawn, scanned, then coloured in Photoshop it was
- printed to a canon copier then pasted onto a wooden jigsaw and cut out. Part of a treasure hunt
- for school children. The Island exists on Loch Lomond in Scotland. (approx 9 hours)
- SLIDE SEVENTEEN (Video cover) Designed in Quark, pictures scanned into Photoshop retouched then
- text was added in QuarkExpress Logos produced in Illustrator (approx 5 hours)
- Most work was carried out in Illustrator and Photoshop with type added in QuarkExpress to
- tight newspaper deadlines. Each is created as simply or complex as time and output deadlines
- will allow.
- Thanks for viewing. For further information on Lland Graphics email to:
- lland@eclipse.exnet.com or Phone: (UK) 0141-772 6745.
- Please feel free to distribute this folder to up-load it to BBS's or give copies to friends or
- colleagues. But please, only with all files, and unaltered.
- NOT to be sold in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.
- All rights reserved, Lland Graphics 1995.